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9 Views · 3 years ago

There is always a day when you want to become a martial art master so that you can kick jerks' ass and break their jaw. Steven Seagal is the perfect person to represent the day.

25 Views · 4 years ago

Some houses in slum areas in South Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, are on fire. The local authority explain that it is caused by short circuit, a very common cause of fire house in big cities in Indonesia. However, some say that it does not have to do with short circuit. The fire is ignited on purpose by some parties who want to develop skyscrapers around the area.

27 Views · 4 years ago

A city called Bekasi near the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta, has been recently attacked by whirl wind. It attacks public facilities as well as citizens causing damages although not really major. No casualties have been reported so far though.

17 Views · 4 years ago

A city called Bekasi near the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta, has been recently attacked by whirl wind. It attacks public facilities as well as citizens causing damages although not really major. No casualties have been reported so far though.

16 Views · 4 years ago

A city called Bekasi near the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta, has been recently attacked by whirl wind. It attacks public facilities as well as citizens causing damages although not really major. No casualties have been reported so far though.

20 Views · 4 years ago

Protesters who are mainly dominated by labors and university students got more violent when they went on strike about the Omnibus Law. They burnt public facilities such as bus stop in Jakarta.

27 Views · 4 years ago

Labors affiliating with university students have an engage in street riots with Indonesian police. They are protesting the government for validating the Omnibus Law couple of days ago.

13 Views · 4 years ago

Labors are marching on streets of Jakarta today and will probably continue within days ahead. They are on strike since the government validated the Omnibus Law a couple of days ago. The law is considered a threat to them in particular and to job condition in Indonesia in general.

19 Views · 4 years ago

Strong wind and heavy rain hit Jakarta and many cities in Indonesia. This natural disaster is potentially leading to more severe national disasters. The changing of season from dry to rainy season is the main cause of this phenomenon.

30 Views · 4 years ago

A mineral water factory supplier is submersed after flood hit the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta last night. Fortunately none is injured or damaged.

32 Views · 4 years ago

A car was carried away by strong flood current in Jakarta as heavy rain hit the city and other cities in the south of the capital city. What is more, it carried debris and stones, damaging the roads and bridges.

28 Views · 4 years ago

The local authority just officially announced the flood attack that hit Bogor region and Jakarta. No victims have been reported so far, however it has damaged some roads and bridges.

13 Views · 4 years ago

Heavy rain on Monday, September 21, 2020 caused flood and hit Jakarta and neighboring cities. Now, the capital city of Indonesia is in red alert now.

28 Views · 4 years ago

A car was just hit by a commuter train in Jakarta, Indonesia. The driver and her passenger managed to survive the horrific accident. They only got minor injuries despite the fact that her car was badly crushed.

15 Views · 4 years ago

Ambulances carrying COVID-19 victims are queuing in front of a huge building used for COVID-19 victim quarantine in Jakarta. They keep coming everyday since cases of COVID-19 keep rising in Indonesia.

24 Views · 4 years ago

Full speed Panzer tank hits a street vendor and some parked motorcycles in Indonesia.

12 Views · 4 years ago

A motorcycle exploded near citizen houses and made them burnt to the ground in a city near Jakarta Indonesia.

7 Views · 4 years ago

Selling Betta fish or also known as Cupang fish has become booming in Indonesia especially during COVID-19 lock down. This new promising business is famous among middle class society.

25 Views · 4 years ago

These women who happen to be housewives are doing street patrol in streets on Indonesia, aiming those people who are not obeying the COVID-19 safety procedures.

20 Views · 4 years ago

A new mud flow in Indonesia just burst from the ground.

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